Belief Clearing - Inner Child Work/Parts
Inner child work , Parts Work, Clearing Limiting Beliefs
Service Description
I have been doing energy work for 15 years, I have never found anything that has given me such profound changes. Our beliefs come from so many people, parents, grandparents, teachers, etc., all well meaning, but ignorant of the outcome of their good intentions. What do you believe about yourself? Your life? Money? These things all affect your success today and in the future. Clearing beliefs is like being given a magic wand to start fresh with new beliefs created by you that will move you forward instead of keeping you stuck. And, who doesn't want to move forward? Testimonials I was quite surprised by the night and day results within 3 days of my belief code session with Melissa. The struggles I was having before the session are continuing to improve with the help of just one belief code session. I am excited to see what else will unfold as I continue to do sessions! Thank you Melissa! Let’s start by saying I have NEVER experienced anything like this before! I have been practicing different types of meditation and a couple of energy healing protocols. While they are wonderful in their own way, I released so much with just one session with Melissa. It was peaceful and yet, very powerful. I cried a lot at first but I came out much stronger and more confident! The first couple of days I went through an emotional detox (the crying was so cleansing, though!) and when that was done, then the “magic” happened! Everything I’ve been experimenting with so far has been helping me decode more for my spiritual and healing journey. I am much more confident now (that was what we focused on) and I’m thrilled to get my feet wet on the projects I had put aside before because I felt I was not going to be good enough to do them. My family has mentioned the change and are also excited to join me in these projects! I’ll be setting up more sessions because I feel this is the one thing I have ever experienced that goes to the very deep root cause and cleanses you as if you are being reborn! Thank you so much, Melissa, for the wonderful session. I still get goosebumps remembering what I felt. Thank you! This is an email session, I will send the notes for your session after it is completed.
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